Sunday, April 4, 2010

I have not been able to upload pictures yet because the internet connection is really shotty. Hopefully I will figure out a way to get them on the site soon. It is so beautiful today. We went into town today and went to the Palauan prison they have their prisoners carve story boards out of wood and then they sell them to make some money. I think it is actually a great idea becuase it gives the prisoners a creative outlet and a way to get some extra money to support there families. I have pictures that will show the experince it was pretty interesting. There is a desginated seller of the storyboards within the prison who has earned that position and he gets a cut of all the boards that he sells.
I also was able to take a sim in ithe crytal clear water today which I have been wanting to do since I arrived. Then went for a Balinese massage and wrap. It was amazing in an open air room overlooking a secluded bay. It was so relaxing and I felt like a new women afterwards. Now I am loose and ready to go diving early in the morning tomorrow. Hopefully I can get pictures up soon


  1. Hey Shelle,
    Miss those Balinese massages! Enjoy your first dives. Clank/Clank Daddio

  2. Miss you Soo much. Glad you got a massage and the storyboards sound really cool! xoxo
